M is for Mineral

The Mineral way
Food security
Elliott Grant avatar cropped

Elliott GrantFounder, CEO

| 3 min read

Introducing Mineral

After five years incubating our technology at X, Alphabet’s moonshot factory, Mineral is now an Alphabet company. Our mission is to help scale sustainable agriculture. We’re doing this by developing a platform and tools that help gather, organize and understand never-before known or understood information about the plant world — and make it useful and actionable. Together with our partners across the food production system, we're hopeful that these tools will — over time — drive a deeper understanding of the complex interactions of plant genes, the environment and farm management practices.

engineer in field

Mineral engineer with boots on the ground in partner Driscoll's strawberry fields

There is no time to waste to find more climate-resilient crop varieties, to transition to less chemical- and fossil fuel-intensive practices, to improve soil health and to restore biodiversity.

Why agriculture?

Why agriculture? Why now? Agriculture is increasingly believed to be a major contributor to the climate crisis — but it is also a victim of a changing climate. There is no time to waste to find more climate-resilient crop varieties, to transition to less chemical- and fossil fuel-intensive practices, to improve soil health and to restore biodiversity. We are confident the foundational technology (such as generative artificial intelligence, machine learning and edge compute power) has matured to the point where we can solve problems at the scale needed for production agriculture and with the accuracy and speed demanded by farmers.

rover in alps

The Mineral rover in the Alps

Our focus

Our focus is in three key areas: developing sensing technology that can generate rich data sets about plants, organizing agriculture data from disparate sources for machine learning (ML) and building powerful software algorithms and conducting research that can meaningfully advance our fundamental understanding of plantkind.

We’re partnering with companies across the food production system, alongside leading agribusinesses, research organizations and farmer groups with deep domain expertise. These partners help shape and inform our focus and bring speed, precision and scale to our efforts.

What we've learned

We're early in our journey, but have already learned lessons we think are worth sharing:

Tanzanian bean farmer_updated

A Tanzanian bean farmer, the ultimate beneficiary of our work with the Alliance of Bioversity International, CIAT and Mineral

  • We found that most companies are not collecting the quantity, diversity or quality of data needed to take full advantage of machine learning. That’s why we built tools to better capture, curate, clean and augment multimodal data; and assembled our own bootstrap ag dataset.

  • There is no single mode of data collection suited to every agriculture task or crop. We began with a plant rover that could capture huge quantities of high quality images, and over time expanded to building generalized perception technology that can work across platforms such as robots, third party farm equipment, drones, sentinel devices and mobile phones.

  • ML in agriculture is empowering and augmenting human experts — not replacing them. We have seen how patterns and correlations generated by our algorithms are helping our partners discover new knowledge and gain a deeper understanding.

  • Software can help overcome the technology accessibility barriers that have historically held back farmers worldwide. While high performing seeds, fertilizer and equipment can be hard for farmers to find — data, advice and the power of ML will reach anyone with access to a smartphone.

Our aim

The passion and urgency in our work is because the clock is ticking on improving farmland productivity and sustainability. Through this blog we'll aim to share our progress (and learnings) and perspectives, so please follow us if you’d like to stay informed.

T3 and young melon 2019

Mineral's technology has been trained on a wide variety of crops around the world - like these young melon plants.

The passion and urgency in our work is because the clock is ticking on improving farmland productivity and sustainability.