Our partners see the plant world in a new way with Mineral’s solutions, supercharging the impact they create.

Discover the possibilities of perception technology

It’s the ultimate pairing: perception technology meets agriculture.

Mineral’s perception technology gives partners the ability to see and gather insights from the plant world in a radically new way – across the food value chain. The knowledge gained from those insights empowers our partners to make decisions and take actions that affect change. We're rethinking how food is produced more resiliently and sustainably by turning a world’s worth of agricultural data into new understanding.

The status quo needs shifting. Our food systems urgently need to become more efficient and have less impact on the planet. Crops need to be more resilient and more productive. Mineral's perception technology will help make the step changes that the industry—and our ecosystem—demands.


Collect the right images at the right level of detail using AI-equipped computer vision—at speed and scale. From custom cameras to smartphones, we fit your existing flows to capture the right data to answer your biggest questions


Extract rich data from images and merge it with other modes of data to make sense of the plant world, reveal hidden patterns and determine root causes


Equip people with the insights and understanding from the field and through the food supply chain to make better decisions and take action confidently

Our Progress


The number of plant images we’ve gathered and organized through our perception technology—ready to be absorbed by our hungry AI models


The number of plant characteristics (pod counts, leaf area, flower counts, petiole lengths, fruit defects and disease, and more) we’ve modeled to better understand the plants our partners breed, grow and process


The number of crops we’ve analyzed—starting with staples like soy, corn, sugar beet and wheat, and fresh produce like berries and leafy greens—to establish the foundations to perceive the secrets hidden in every field

Use Cases

The power of perception to deliver on-the-ground innovations that sustain our world

Fresh supply chain

Equipping our partners with an AI-enabled solution that reveals new understanding of fresh food quality—with more accuracy and consistency.

Dig deeper

Agriculture inputs

Co-creating AI-heavy solutions that are hardware-light, we power your product and sales decisions to inform the next right step and optimize outcomes.

Agriculture equipment

Working from the field, we’re giving farm equipment an AI assist to decide and act in a challenging environment—with perception for precision actuation.


How are we helping drive a more sustainable future?

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Fresh supply chain

We help the industry tackle food waste, from farm to fork, with insights into produce quality

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Agriculture inputs

We help growers protect crop yield with accessible, actionable insights for the most informed recommendations

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Agriculture equipment

We help reduce chemical usage and avoid herbicide resistance by enabling partners to identify and spray only what’s needed

Learn More

Mineral’s most frequently asked questions

What types of crops do you work with?

To make the greatest, most sustainable impact, we're starting with the crops that have significant global footprints: corn, soybeans and wheat. We also are focused on berries, and other crops you see on grocery shelves. So far, we’ve modeled 120+ plant characteristics across 14 different crops and 30 different weeds. And we’re only getting started.

How is your perception technology different from other smart cameras or AI vision?

Mineral’s perception technologies, unlike other AI-enabled tools, are designed entirely for plants and agricultural settings, from the field to the distribution center and beyond. This obsessive focus creates a foundational capability that deepens our understanding of any crop in any geography. With our world-class AI expertise, dedicated infrastructure and ever-growing database of diverse plant images, we aim to build the industry’s best perception technology company exclusively focused on agriculture.

Are Mineral’s solutions hardware, software or both?

We believe software for agriculture must be grounded in the physical reality and the varying conditions that come with it. Our team—experts in AI, data science, rapid iteration and prototyping for the agriculture value chain—has developed custom hardware for data collection that underpins the powerful software we integrate into existing partner hardware, systems and apps. Where our partners need custom data collection requiring hardware they don’t have today, we experiment with our own components and innovate together.

In which geographies do you operate?

Our goal is to create a more sustainable and productive agriculture system for the whole planet. To start, we’re focusing our efforts in North America, Europe and South America—with the intention to expand.

What custom solutions can you offer to help my company reach its goals?

We’re hands-on and high-touch. There’s nothing we love more than getting our boots dirty to help tackle your organization's biggest challenges using perception technology. We are currently applying our perception technology to improve quality management, detect harmful weeds, apply crop inputs more precisely and support plant breeders to develop more climate-resistant varieties.

Can I buy the Mineral rover?

We’re big fans of our rover, too. With 1,000s of miles under their belts, these 100% electric, zero-emission perception machines have generated Mineral’s massive database of plant images — 700 million, and growing! While you can’t buy a rover to own and operate yourself, we can deploy them in support of partnerships requiring new in-field data collection and research.

How does Mineral protect the data it collects, and is it shared?

Mineral, like Google, takes data privacy incredibly seriously. Please see our Privacy Policy here.

And while data privacy is non-negotiable, data-sharing decisions are dependent on the needs of our partners. Some mandate that data about crop varieties be openly available. Other partners need to keep that data private—in which case, we protect it in a private, secure cloud.